
Translucid is a narrative-driven horror game created for mobile as part of the Code Coven game developers program. Players navigate Sygil, a genderqueer 13 yo on the cusp of change. They use their lantern light to explore the darkest corners of their mind and shed light on inner monsters that represent different detriments to their identity

Robin’s Role
For Translucid, I had a great time creating pixel sprites and bringing this creepy world to life. I got the opportunity to draw in a new overhead perspective and was also responsible for creating UI elements for mobile. In creating the environmental art I wanted players to be able to explore the levels and it be interactive. Also, because the view is limited to the lantern you hold, I wanted the players to feel the dread that the character felt as well, not knowing what could come from the darkness.

In game footage of character exploring the library.


Research Illustrations